Future Explorers Academy - Brown’s Calming Grounds Registration - Fall 2024

At Dr. Motivate LLC, we support children in daycare, preschool, kindergarten, and school settings to develop essential skills for managing emotions and social interactions. Our program offers personalized coaching for young learners needing extra help with sensory processing, behavior regulation, and emotional self-management. We utilize engaging heavy work activities, sensory experiences, and behavior regulation techniques to foster confidence and focus. Our nurturing environment encourages emotional and social growth, ensuring your child has the tools they need to thrive. Join us at Brown's Calming Grounds, where we are dedicated to helping your child shine!

Program Details
  • Registration Status:
  • Regular Registration:
    Friday, October 11, 2024 - Friday, May 30, 2025
  • Program Duration:
    Monday, October 14, 2024 - Friday, May 30, 2025
  • Regular Registration Cost:
    $59.40 - $250.00
  • Sibling Discount:
Frequently Asked Questions
  • What are Heavy Work Activities: Fun, sensory-rich tasks that help children feel calm and focused.
  • What is an ex of Heavy Work Activities?: Example: Push/Pull Tasks/Fun Fitness - Example: Children engage in push/pull activities using resistance bands or pulling weighted carts filled with soft toys. They might also participate in fun structured fitness workout activities that allow children to gain self awareness, self control, practice listening skills and increase positive social emotional experiences in a small group setting.
  • What does Heavy Work do for children?: Heavy work activities provide proprioceptive input, which is crucial for children’s sensory regulation. This input helps children feel more grounded and focused, reducing anxiety and improving attention. The physical exertion from these tasks also releases endorphins, promoting a sense of well-being.
  • What is Behavior Regulation Coaching?: Example: Introducing techniques like deep breathing exercises. For instance, children can practice "bubble breathing," where they pretend to blow bubbles by inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly.
  • Behavior Regulation Coaching (Extended): Why Behavior Regulation Coaching Works: This is one of many reasons. It teaches children to recognize their emotions and triggers empowers them to manage their responses more effectively. Deep breathing exercises activate the body's relaxation response, helping to reduce feelings of anxiety and promote calmness during stressful situations.
  • Who should sign up?: All children can benefit from our services. We offer our services in group sizes of eight or less. This allows us to give specialized attention to participants during our sessions. Don’t wait. Space is limited.
  • How long does a session last?: Group and individual sessions last 30 minutes.
  • How many group sessions per month?: Group Session Registration covers four group sessions per month.
  • How many individual sessions are covered: Individual sessions are paid per session. One individual session per individual session booked.
  • Do we offer discounts?: Yes, we provide 40% off after the initial sign up. For example, after the first month of service within the school calendar year, a family will receive 40% off of program services selected after the initial enrollment. This incentive resets every school calendar year. Please call us for additional enrollment incentives 832-264-0122.
OfferingRegistration DatesCostStatus
October Sessions
DOB: 09/02/13 - 03/01/23 (1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, and 10.5 year olds)
10/11/24 12:00 AM - 10/31/24 12:00 AM$99.00Closed
November Sessions 10/14/24 12:00 AM - 11/29/24 12:00 AM$99.00Closed
December Sessions 10/14/24 12:00 AM - 12/13/24 12:00 AM$59.40Closed
January Sessions 10/14/24 12:00 AM - 01/31/25 12:00 AM$99.00Open
February Sessions 10/14/24 12:00 AM - 02/28/25 12:00 AM$99.00Open
March Sessions 10/14/24 12:00 AM - 03/31/25 12:00 AM$99.00Open
April Sessions 10/14/24 12:00 AM - 04/30/25 12:00 AM$99.00Open
May Sessions 10/14/24 12:00 AM - 05/30/25 12:00 AM$99.00Open
October Individual Session - $250 per Session 10/14/24 12:00 AM - 10/31/24 12:00 AM$250.00Closed
November Individual Session - $250 per Session 10/14/24 12:00 AM - 11/29/24 12:00 AM$250.00Closed
December Individual Session - $250 per Session 10/14/24 12:00 AM - 12/13/24 12:00 AM$250.00Closed
January Individual Session - $250 per Session 01/06/25 12:00 AM - 01/31/25 12:00 AM$250.00Not Open Yet
February Individual Session - $250 per Session 02/03/25 12:00 AM - 02/28/25 12:00 AM$250.00Not Open Yet
March Individual Session - $250 per Session 03/03/25 12:00 AM - 03/31/25 12:00 AM$250.00Not Open Yet
April Individual Session - $250 per Session 04/01/25 12:00 AM - 04/30/25 12:00 AM$250.00Not Open Yet
May Individual Session - $250 per Session 05/01/25 12:00 AM - 05/30/25 12:00 AM$250.00Not Open Yet
BUY A T-SHIRT $25.00 Per Item
Size: 5T, 4T, 3T, 2T, YXS, YS, YM, YL, YXL, AL, AXL, A2XL, A3XL ($2.00 addl.), A4XL ($3.00 addl.), A5XL ($4.00 addl.), A6XL ($5.00 addl.)
BUY A T-SHIRT: 5T, 4T, 3T, 2T, YXS, YS, YM, YL, YXL, AL, AXL, A2XL, A3XL ($2.00 addl.), A4XL ($3.00 addl.), A5XL ($4.00 addl.), A6XL ($5.00 addl.)
Available for the following Offerings: October Sessions, November Sessions, December Sessions, January Sessions, February Sessions, March Sessions, April Sessions, May Sessions